Tag: flower of life

Flower of life with Metatron’s cube. 200mm x 200mm, 7 colors, 45468 stitches

Starting at: $3.50

Metatron flower of life. 100mm x 100mm, 7 colors, 23734 stitches

Starting at: $2.50

Rainbow flower of life. 155mm x 155mm, 6 colors, 13974 stitches

Starting at: $3.00

Rainbow flower of life. 74mm x 74mm, 6 colors, 8251 stitches

Starting at: $1.50

Rainbow flower of life. 99mm x 99mm, 6 colors, 10421 stitches

Starting at: $1.50

Rainbow of life. 124mm x 124mm, 6 colors, 11817 stitches

Starting at: $2.50

Rainbow Flower of Life. 197mm x 197mm, 6 colors, 17,385 stitches

Starting at: $3.50

Dragonfly on Flower of Life. 84mm x 84mm, 6 colors, 6034 stitches

Starting at: $2.50

Dragonfly on FLower of Life. 149mm x 149mm, 6 colors, 10160 stitches

Starting at: $3.50

Dragonfly on Flower of Life. 199mm x 199mm, 6 colors, 13827 stitches

Starting at: $4.00

Dragonfly on Flower of Life. 112mm x 112mm, 6 colors, 7688 stitches

Starting at: $3.00

Flower of Life lace. 64mm x 64mm, 1 color, 13400 stitches

Starting at: $3.00