Tag: knot
Celtic Knot Isaz Rune
Isaz rune with knotwork. 20mm x 163mm, 2 colors, 10661 stitches
Celtic Knot Naudiz Rune
Naudiz Rune with knotwork. 88mm x 163mm, 2 colors, 17815 stitches
Celtic Pentagram Outline (Large)
Outline Pentagram with Celtic Knots. 204mm x 196mm, 3 colors, 12487 stitches
Celtic Pentagram Outline (Medium)
Outline Pentagram with Celtic Knots. 148mm x 142mm, 3 colors, 9103 stitches
Celtic Pentagram Outline (Small)
Outline Pentagram with Celtic Knots. 103mm x 99mm, 3 colors, 6330 stitches
Celtic Pentagram (Large)
Shaded pentagram with Celtic knots. 194mm x 204mm, 7 colots, 46673 stitches
Celtic Pentagram (Medium)
Shaded pentagram with Celtic knots. 149mm x 141mm, 7 colors, 28825 stitches
Celtic Pentagram (Small)
Shaded pentagram with Celtic knots. 94mm x 99mm, 7 colors, 16516 stitches
Celtic Dragon
Dragon enveloped in Celtic Knotwork, 233mm x 199mm, 11 colors, 101072 stitches
Celtic Circle
Celtic knot-work circle, by Vox. 49mm x 49mm, 1 color, 4778 stitches