Category: In-the-hoop
Curls Gift Card Stocking
Gift stocking with curly stripes. 118mm x 116mm, 2 colors, 6014 stitches
Pine Candy Gift Card Stocking
Gift card stocking with pine and candies. 188mm x 116mm, 6 colors, 13788 stitches
Merry Christmas Gift card Stocking
Gift card stocking wishing Merry Christmas. 118mm x 116mm, 2 colors, 6020 stitches
Venetian Mask with Lace (S)
Smaller Venetian mask with free-standing lace. 53mm x 120mm, 2 colors, 11247 stitches
Quilled Heart Book Corner
Bookmark decorated in curls & waves. 67mm x 76mm, 5 colors, 9535 stitches
Victorian Heart Book Corner
Book mark with curly heart. 66mm x 76mm, 4 colors, 6629 stitches
Crazy Quilt Book Corner
Crazy quilt book mark. 67mm x 76mm, 5 colors, 9516 stitches
Hearts Book Corner
Bookmark covered in hearts. 67mm x 76mm, 6 colors, 5864 stitches
Paws Book Corner
Book mark covered in paw prints. 66mm x 76mm, 9 colors, 6709 stitches
Steampunk Book Corner
Steampunk heart book mark. 66mm x 76mm, 9 colors, 12425 stitches